The guy who plays… Fabled Lands Part 2

The priest has turned to Sig, god of thieves, in the hopes of a brighter [...]

Add an encounter that the PCs expect, but make it grand!

Adding in an encounter into your campaign is easy. Making it a memorable one, where [...]

[TRAP] Giant extortion

A toll for a roll... or a bakery

The guy who plays… Fabled Lands Part 1 again

Well here we go again... trying to find our lost brother Vaelor... it's a new [...]

[ITEMS] These are unique Magical Items to include in your next game sesison

Magical Items are mostly seen as tools for the players characters to use in enhancing [...]


Prisons are fun!

Fabled Lands Eps 01

It's a new Fabled Lands adventure!

[ADD] Adding a Loveable NPC for a single session is AMAZING! Here’s why…

Lovable NPCs who do not join the party do something MUCH MORE IMPORANT. In D&D, [...]

[LOCATION] Library of trees

These pages need sorting...

[ADD] Add a village to your next TTRPG session, here’s why!

A Village does so much more than just give the PCs a chance to rest. [...]