Author Archives: Web Goblin 2.0

Play To Lose? Is This How We Should Be Playing Dungeons & Dragons?

This nordic LARP concept seems to be a major hit within the roleplaying community from [...]

Titanophant #shorts

A massive herbivore capable of eating an entire village?! How will your party defeat this [...]

How To Harness the Power of Theatre of the Mind

Theatre of the Mind is a great, fast, and cool way to play your favorite [...]

Avenging Angle #shorts

Help those who helped you or suffer the consequences! 🧡 Thank you to our Patrons! [...]

Build a Gaming Table For Under $100

This is my quick, easy, and super simple gaming table build. Anyone can build this [...]

Random adventure Golden Hand #shorts

A golden-handed pirate leads to more maps and treasure!

[ALL] How to double down on your creative juices!

Guy looks at how he turns up his creativity whenever he's trying to come up [...]

If You Do Any of These 10 Things – Don’t DM!

There are some habits that just don't work for the DM to have. If you [...]

[ALL] How do you plan a short campaign of only a couple sessions?

We all wanna run a satisfying game and sometimes we don't have a lot of [...]

High Ground = Taking the High Road? #shorts

Having the high ground doesn't always mean you should attack... For more tips on running [...]