Category Archives: GM Wanderer

Why You Want to Split The Party

We take a look at how and why you want to split the party and [...]

How To Maximise Your NPCs as a Game Master

You have 100s of NPCs but how do we make the most of them in [...]

Quick Guide on How to Fix Your Plot Holes – GM Tips

Plot Holes or plot opportunity in our view! Are great opportunities for you to create [...]

Building a Multi-Level Dungeon That’s Not Annoying

Thinking of making a multi-level dungeon? We will show you how to making a level [...]

3 Tricks to Creating Super Secret Societies That Don’t Suck

If no one knows about a Secret Society in your TRPG, then it is a [...]

3 Fast Ways to Add More to Your Adventure

You've created a masterpiece. Your PCs are loving it. In fact they keep telling you [...]

How to Create Great Mentor NPCs and How to Use Them

The mentor is there to help guide the players in particular ways we take a [...]

4 Easy Ways to Add Cool Stuff to Your TTRPG

We go about how you can add cool stuff to your game, and doing it [...]

Quick Tips to Adding Humour and Comedy

We take a look at how you can add humor / humour and comedy into [...]

Multiple Dungeon Masters in your Game

We look at how you can go about having a guest GM /DM or multiple [...]