Category Archives: GM Wanderer

[5th ed.] EP 4 – Shadow of the Dragon Queen

Episode 4 Elderwoman Marjorie Thornett is attempting to complete her daily business so that she [...]

1 Min NPC Creation – Quick Evil NPC #shorts

What makes an evil looking NPC? Here are some quick tips to use when creating [...]

[5th ed.] EP 2 – Shadow of the Dragon Queen

Episode 2 Sees Finnegan Abefele Take on his trial for the Mages of High Sorcery. [...]

[5th ed.] EP 1 – Shadow of the Dragon Queen

#greatgm #GameMasterTips Episode 1 kicks off with a solo one-on-one session with Vannwel Amalith facing [...]

3 Steps to Getting Your Family Into Roleplaying (Any RPG System)

It's that festive time of the year! And for many of us, that means spending [...]

[5th Ed] Running My Dragonlance Campaign – Where Did I Start?

The new Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is [...]

[5th Ed] Fixing the Holes in the Dragonlance Adventure Book

Are there holes in Dungeons and Dragons latest adventure book Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon [...]

Dragonlance – Why I Love It & Why You’ll Need It

Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen is launching soon, and I have a lot to [...]

First Thoughts on Warriors of Krynn – The D&D Boardgame

It's not often that one of the great minds behind Wizards of the Coast asks [...]

The 5 TTRPG Campaign Styles: Which One is Right for You?

By now, you are ready to start your own TTRPG campaign, but what kind of [...]