Tag Archives: great gm

How to Introduce a new player to Role-playing

So how does one introduce someone to the world of role-playing? is it a simple [...]

Nat 20’s: You are using them Wrong!

Natural 20s, or critical success, we look at how you as a Game Master can [...]

TORG Eternity – Honest GM RPG Review – 2020

We take a look at TORG Eternity, a roleplaying system by Ulisses Spiele. But what [...]


3 Tricks to Creating Super Secret Societies That Don’t Suck

If no one knows about a Secret Society in your TRPG, then it is a [...]

3 Ways to Spot if Your Players Are Disinterested

We look at 3 ways for you to figure out if your players are disinterested [...]

Why You Should Not Give Up as a Game Master

You have been a Game Master for a few sessions now, maybe even years, but [...]

How To Run a Post Apocalyptic RPG Game That Doesn’t Suck

We take a look at a post apocalyptic game setting, what is involved and how [...]


3 Ways on Not Being a Useless Player at Your Table

So you have created a likable character, but it does not stop there, are you [...]

3 Tricks to Creating a Likable Character

Would you want to interact with your character? Regardless if it is an 'evil' or [...]

Why You Should Ask Questions Out of the Game

We take a look at asking questions out of the game (after the game) to [...]